The Key To Secure Access
FIDO Token
Trusted & Secure
FIDO U2F is an open authentication standard that enables internet users to securely access any number of online services, with one single device, instantly and with no drivers or client software needed.
FIDO U2F provides two user experiences to address a wide range use cases and deployment scenarios: Passwordless UX (UAF) and Second Factor UX (U2F).
FIDO U2F provides two user experiences to address a wide range use cases and deployment scenarios: Passwordless UX (UAF) and Second Factor UX (U2F).
FIDO U2F Security Key
FIDO U2F Security Key
FIDO U2F Security Key
IDENOS FIDO U2F Security Key is a security key based on the Universal Second Factor (U2F) standard. IDENOS is compatible with any U2F service with a single device. A key pair will be generated after registering in any U2F service. Simply pressing or touching the button on your IDENOS, it will then generate the secured credentials for the server to authorize your identity. IDENOS will be recognized as a HID and using USB-HID interface. This means that no driver is needed on all platforms (Windows, OS X, Linux). we are a sponsor level member of the FIDO alliance participating in the specification development of FIDO U2F.

Key Features:
-Non-Smart Chip Based
Commonly based on a typical low cost EEPROM where the main protection algorithms rely more on the firmware that are bundle together rather than on the hardware. This type of hardware architecture can easily be duplicated by most Dongle Duplication Experts
-Self Definable Security Algorithms
Up to 128 self definable security algorithms that will be executed on-board when called by protected software which will then be authenticated using the popular Challenge Response Authentication to maximize the security level of the protection.
-Smart Chip Based
Advanced EAL4+ and ITSEC certified microprocessor smart chips enable the algorithm’s execution and on board seed code generation. Microprocessor smart chips also prevent hardware cloning and duplication attacks.
-Multi Levels Access Right Management
Supports multi level access right management to facilitate different access rights for the development team.
-HID Driverless
As HID driverless, SecureDongle requires no external device driver installation, thus minimizing the common technical issue arise from device driver. No driver is required. As long as a USB thumb drive is compatible with
-User-define security password
Supports on-board seed code and random number generation which developer can apply into their protection to strengthen the security and to make the protection more complicated to crack.
-Secure Communication
SecureDongle is built also with advanced encryption/decryption on communication between firmware and hardware to prevent debugging and emulator attacks.

FIDO U2F Security Key Brochure
Smarter way to protect your sfotware!
Securemetric IDENOS FIDO Token is a Secure Element built-in two factor hardware authenticator designed for universal second Factor (U2F) standard hosted by the FIDO alliance.
With our FIDO U2F Security Key, user is allowed to physically authenticate to all U2F-enabled services and applications, requiring no additional software or drivers to install.
Securemetric IDENOS FIDO U2F Security Key contains no batteries and works in chrome with all platforms(windows, Linux, MacOS) providing no identifiable data and maintaining user privacy by securely generating and storing secrets within the secure elements.

Key Features:
-Non-Smart Chip Based
Commonly based on a typical low cost EEPROM where the main protection algorithms rely more on the firmware that are bundle together rather than on the hardware. This type of hardware architecture can easily be duplicated by most Dongle Duplication Experts
-Self Definable Security Algorithms
Up to 128 self definable security algorithms that will be executed on-board when called by protected software which will then be authenticated using the popular Challenge Response Authentication to maximize the security level of the protection.
-Smart Chip Based
Advanced EAL4+ and ITSEC certified microprocessor smart chips enable the algorithm’s execution and on board seed code generation. Microprocessor smart chips also prevent hardware cloning and duplication attacks.
-Multi Levels Access Right Management
Supports multi level access right management to facilitate different access rights for the development team.
-HID Driverless
As HID driverless, SecureDongle requires no external device driver installation, thus minimizing the common technical issue arise from device driver. No driver is required. As long as a USB thumb drive is compatible with
-User-define security password
Supports on-board seed code and random number generation which developer can apply into their protection to strengthen the security and to make the protection more complicated to crack.
-Secure Communication
SecureDongle is built also with advanced encryption/decryption on communication between firmware and hardware to prevent debugging and emulator attacks.

SecureDongle Brochure
Smarter way to protect your sfotware!
of software installed on PCs around the world in 2015 were not properly licensed (a decrease from 43% in BSA’s previous global study published in 2014)
worldwide rate of unlicensed use in banking, insurance and securities industries (despite the fact that much tighter control of the digital environment is expected)
The commercial value of unlicensed software worldwide plunged (BSA’s 2014 report cited commercial value of $62.7 billion)

Case Studies
National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) & Securemetric Berhad
NACSA partners with Securemetric to enhance Malaysia's cybersecurity through FIDO2's passwordless authentication for critical information infrastructures.
Lazada Group’s Transition from EJBCA Community
Securemetric assisted Lazada Group's Transition from EJBCA Community to PKI-in-a-Box
Philippine Clearing House implemented PKI-In-A-Box to secure their clearing system
A significant stride was achieved when the Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) selected Securemetric to furnish and execute PKI-In-A-Box as a pivotal component of their nationwide digital security enhancement within their payment clearing system.
Universiti Utara Malaysia Entrusted Securemetric’s Microsoft Expertise
Since 2018, Securemetric's Microsoft Enterprise Solutions team, in collaboration with Sri Vision specialists, has been entrusted with the management of Universiti Utara Malaysia's IT infrastructure
Turnkey customized EJBCA Enterprise for Vietnam Government Information Security Commission
In the year 2015, Securemetric achieved a significant feat by securing a contract for a comprehensive turnkey PKI implementation for the Vietnamese Government, executed under the aegis of the Vietnam Government Information Security Commission (VGISC).…
Badan Siber Dan Sandi Negara upgraded to EJBCA Enterprise
Charged by the Indonesian government with the pivotal role of establishing and operating the Indonesia Government Certificate Authority, BSSN is entrusted with the issuance of digital identities and pivotal trust services to governmental entities nationwide.

IDENOS Brochure
SecureDongle was built based on advanced microprocessor smart chip which has been certified by EAL4+ and ITSEC.